‘Harassing’ people outside places of worship could result in jail under proposed NSW law Premier Chris Minns flags new measures, which would make certain types of protests a criminal offence, in response to ‘racial hatred and antisemitism’.
The state government has also officially announced another proposed law flagged a few weeks ago, which would make it a criminal offence to intentionally incite racial hatred in a bid to stamp out hate speech.
The proposed laws would expand the Crimes Act to make it an offence to block access to the place of worship without reasonable excuse, or from “harassing, intimidating or threatening” people accessing places of worship.
The New South Wales government has proposed legislation that could make certain types of protests outside places of worship a criminal offence amid growing fears about antisemitism.
Displaying a Nazi symbol on or near a synagogue would also become an offence under the new laws and would carry a two-year maximum prison sentence.