The next day, all five of my children were taken into care - and it's happening to thousands of families My three-week-old daughter Zeydn fussed and wiggled in my arm as I tried to burp her.
Anthony and I went on to have three more kids, Zeke, eight, Zion, four, and Zeppelin, two, but ultimately the trauma of what we'd been through was too much and we separated.
I'm also working on having Zeydn's Law passed in the U.S., which will help families who need a second medical opinion for their child who may have a condition that mimics child abuse.
Anthony and I went on to have three more kids, Zeke, Zion and Zeppelin, but ultimately the trauma of what we'd been through was too much and we separated.
We regained custody of the kids, but despite proving we were completely innocent, our names were still listed on the state child abuse registry for the next seven years, until I worked with a local representative to get them removed.