I was physically paralyzed by heartache after a traumatic break-up

I was physically paralyzed by heartache after a traumatic break-up
Published: Dec, 18 2024 07:35

Heartbreak is never fun, but one woman's relationship breakdown took a devastating turn after she lost her ability to walk following a breakup. The TikTok user, who posts under Miss Nervy, was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder just over six weeks ago, and is now bound to a wheelchair.

 [The college student posted a follow-up video where she answered some of the commonly asked questions about her condition (stock image)]
Image Credit: Mail Online [The college student posted a follow-up video where she answered some of the commonly asked questions about her condition (stock image)]

The content creator originally shared her story using a series of slides detailing her experience before following it up with an in-depth video a few days later. The 20-year-old reported feeling her legs tingling when she woke up one Monday morning, which progressed to her not being able to stand or walk.

She went to the doctor, and they performed a CT scan of her spine, which was clear, but she was admitted to the hospital because she couldn't walk or stand. 'I wake up completely unable to move my legs or stand,' she recalled. 'I'm really freaking out about now, it's not longer funny.'.

Days later, she still couldn't walk and was this time sent to the neurological ward, where the doctor issued a diagnoses. 'I got so heartbroken I developed a neurological condition which is causing this,' she said. The TikTok user, who posts under Miss Nervy, was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder over six weeks ago, and is now bound to a wheelchair.

The college student posted a follow-up video where she answered some of the commonly asked questions about her condition. 'For the past month-and-a-half I have been either in a wheelchair or in a bed, as you see behind me,' she shared in a recent video posted online.


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