Rebecca, from Thanet, Kent, said: "After ordering my food, I said my baby needed feeding and asked if that was okay and he [the Greggs trainee worker] went to check.
The NHS recommends breastfeeding your baby exclusively (feeding them breast milk only) for the first six months, but it's completely up to you to decide when you want to bring it to an end - and there's really no right or wrong way to do it.
Following the incident, Rebecca says she rang her mum upset who then phoned the Greggs store to complain and claims she was again told breastfeeding wasn't allowed under their policy.
You can breastfeed for as long as you want, and while the NHS recommends breastfeeding your baby exclusively for the first six months, you shouldn't feel like you cannot continue for longer.
They note that solid food shouldn't replace breast milk, as there is evidence to suggest breast milk helps a baby's digestive system when processing solid food for the first time.