Iconic 500-year-old pub in UK’s ‘poshest’ town loved by Premier League stars suddenly SHUTS…with ‘cheap locals to blame’ AN ICONIC 500-year-old pub in the UK's poshest town has suddenly shut - with the area's "cheap locals to blame".
The historic 500-year-old Windmill Inn pub - a hotspot for well-heeled residents in Linton, North Yorks - shut down suddenly when its landlords called last orders this week.
Locals in Leeds' richest enclave - where sprawling mansions sell for millions - were accused of failing to support the pub after its much-loved landlady moved on last year.
Jill Cooper, of Linton Residents Association, said: "The people that came in had never run a pub before.
There were a number of changes of manager since last May which didn’t help but the locals all remained loyal, as it was still a great place to get together and socialise.