Inside Venezuela’s brutal jails where inmates carry machine guns & prisoners are caged in tiny cells for YEARS VENEZUELAN prisons are plagued by gangs who prowl the corridors armed with machine guns, grenades and knives - terrorising inmates and guards alike.
Valentina Ballesta, Amnesty International's Deputy Director of Research for South America said that inmates in Tocoron only receive "two glasses of water per day" and are "lucky" if they receive two meals a day - but they're "often rotten or bad".
Despite President Marudo orchestrating a crackdown on Tocoron in 2023, Amnesty International told The Sun that the prison still remains in a dire state - with whom it's being run by remaining "unknown".
Valentina also explained how, due to the dire conditions imprisoned men, women and children are kept in, their families have to step in to ensure they are kept alive.
Valentina told The Sun: " By September last year, we are talking about 184 per cent of [the prisons] exceeded capacity. "