"I find that making an actual cup of coffee in a mug takes six shots (three double shots basically), and you have to replace the grounded coffee after the second double shot as by the fifth and sixth shot (or third double shot), the coffee itself is too weak.
Once you switch on the maker three lights/three settings on the very top and front of the maker go through a sequence of flashing lights until the water and machine has reached its optimum temperature, and then you can select which shot of coffee you want.
One pleased customer left a detailed five-star review reading: "AO delivered the item two days before it said it was actually due to be delivered, and it was delivered one day after purchase, so you cannot knock them for that.
They continued: "As part of the settings you can choose soft, medium or hard water, however, the maker is set to hard water as standard.
I would say the water storage compartment holds enough water to make three to four mugs of coffee.