The health service is gripped in a public confidence crisis, with just one in four adults now believing they could get timely access to an ambulance or GP.
As GP surgeries shut their doors and hospitals operate on skeleton staff, almost six in ten (57 per cent) say there are not enough NHS services available over Christmas and New Year.
Just one in four have faith in getting an ambulance or GP at Christmas, damning study reveals Britons have lost faith that the NHS will be there for them if they need it this Christmas, a damning study reveals.
Just 25 per cent are very or fairly confident they could get a GP appointment during this time and a mere 26 per cent are confident an ambulance would arrive ‘quickly’.
Those making their own way to A&E also anticipate long waits, with just 25 per cent expecting to be seen quickly, according to the IPSOS survey of 2,161 British adults for the Mail and Guardian.