Guest star Holly Walker showed up throughout the show, but her voice was given the chance to really flex its muscles in Glasshouses, which stripped back all of the accompanying sound for a gorgeous a-capella style singalong that let her voice – and that of the choir – soar.
Maribou State’s sound, which comes under the fuzzy umbrella term of ‘folk electronica’, is something that’s better suited to hazy summer days than the biting cold of a February in London, but they still managed to conjure a gust of breezy warmth.
This was Maribou State on steroids: a choir, a string section, a standalone dais for the bongos and even a piano, where Liam Ivory periodically descended to, um, tinkle the ivories.
It’s been five years, in fact, since they’ve done a live music tour (due to many things, including Davids receiving treatment for a rare brain condition).
Chris Davids and Liam Ivory, aka Maribou State, know how to put on a show, even if they haven’t done one for a while.