In a joint statement, the National Residential Landlords Association, Accommodation for Students, Homes for Students, StuRents and the Young Group, said: “It is staggering that there is no guarantee that at least one fifth of all student housing will be available to rent at the start of each academic year.
Ministers warned rental reforms will limit access to higher education Flagship reforms of the private rented sector will limit access to higher education and stifle social mobility, landlords and student housing providers claim.
In a letter to skills minister Baroness Smith, the organisations warned that without changes to the Bill, many students will not be able to access the housing they need and, as a consequence, their higher education options will be limited.
Analysis of data held by the organisations shows there will be no guarantee that at least a fifth of all existing student housing in England will be available to rent at the start of each academic year, they said.
In addition, the Government’s plan to restrict the payment of rent in advance will make it “near impossible” for international students without a UK credit history to prove their ability to sustain a tenancy and pay their rents, the organisations said.