Monty Don names 'only' temperature that makes poinsettias last for months According to gardening expert Monty Don, poinsettia houseplants can be kept looking good for "months" with a little care.
Monty revealed in his January blog post some key advice for poinsettia care: "Hundreds of thousands of poinsettias are given as Christmas gifts and with a little care these can be made to last looking good for months."
Regarding watering routines, Monty stressed only to water when the compost feels dry: "They like plenty of water but let the compost dry out before giving them a really good soak."
His method involves soaking the plant: "Stand the pot in a sink full of water and leave it to stand for 10 minutes or so before letting the excess water drain from the pot.
For optimal upkeep, he advises homeowners to position their poinsettias where there's an unvarying average temperature, ensure there are no draughts, cold windows or excessively bright spots prone to heating up during the day.