It detailed that there were “ongoing issues with pests in the House of Commons”, with mouse droppings in 14 locations, including under a food preparation area, in a washing-up area, where chopping boards are stored, and next to fridges.
Instances of mouse-nibbled snacks, repeated discoveries of their droppings, mouldy veg and other serious hygiene issues have been raised in recent years in inspections of canteens, cafes and restaurants across Westminster, the Observer can reveal.
A 2020 report on House of Lords facilities warned that there was a legal requirement to take action because of “food waste and dirt noted on the floor area”.
The inspector went on to serve a hygiene emergency prohibition notice, a legal order stopping the use of one of its dry food stores because of a risk to public health.
“We serve thousands of customers each year, with robust food safety and hygiene processes in place,” said a House of Commons spokesperson.