Netflix series 'The Leopard' remakes the classic Italian novel as a sumptuous period drama

Netflix series 'The Leopard' remakes the classic Italian novel as a sumptuous period drama
Netflix series 'The Leopard' remakes the classic Italian novel as a sumptuous period drama
Author: Trisha Thomas
Published: Feb, 28 2025 12:00

Summary at a Glance

“The Leopard,” a new Netflix series, takes the classic Italian novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and transforms it into a sumptuous period piece showing the struggles of the aristocracy in 19th-century Sicily, during tumultuous social upheavals as their way of life is crumbling around them.

Tancredi seems set to woo and perhaps marry the prince’s beloved eldest daughter, Concetta, which would bring him officially into the noble family and protect the line.

Angelica and the prince’s daughter, Concetta, played by Benedetta Porcaroli, flounce through the scenes in lavish costumes, dresses with tight bodices and large skirts with cage crinolines.

One Italian critic said that it would be the equivalent of a director in the United States taking “Gone with the Wind” and turning it into a series, but Shankland wasn't the least bit intimidated.

The book tells the story of Don Fabrizio Corbera, the Prince of Salina, a tall, handsome, wealthy aristocrat who owns palaces and land across Sicily.


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