Opposition leader Matthew O’Toole pressed the deputy First Minister, pointing out they are “just one month from St Patrick’s Day”, and asked whether she and the First Minister had had any conversation around attending Washington DC and White House that week.
“Indeed I went to the US last year and there were many things that I would not agree with president Biden on, I went because I was engaging with the office of president, and likewise this is not about engaging with the person but the office to the benefit of the people of Northern Ireland.
The Irish Government last week set out planned travel by its ministers to the US for St Patrick’s Day.
Taoiseach Micheal Martin is set to head to Texas before an expected visit to the White House for St Patrick’s Day, while Tanaiste Simon Harris is set to go to New York and Philadelphia.
“We are planning around a notice that the Irish Government have just released, their information about their attendance around DC on St Patrick’s Week, and their activities to promote their issues.