Only people with 'eyes of a sniper' can spot screw on countertop in five seconds

Only people with 'eyes of a sniper' can spot screw on countertop in five seconds
Author: (Alan Johnson)
Published: Dec, 23 2024 10:58

A Reddit user who unwittingly created their own brainteaser has invited others to take part in their unorthodox puzzle. Taking to the FindTheSniper subreddit, Billy challenged participants to find the screw on his countertop, after admitting: "Not sure how tough it is, but I couldn’t see it!" He shared a snap of his granite kitchen surface, patterned in a way that could test the resolve of even the most eagle-eyed of players.

Like your body, your brain needs regular exercise to stay healthy. Giving it a good workout is known to help improve cognitive performance, enhance memory, and help with focus and attention. Many people use puzzles to keep their minds active and it’s thought that adding a time limit can increase the benefits even more. And as well as being beneficial to your health, its also a bit of fun – perfect if you have a few minutes to spare.

Ready? Give it a go below!. The teaser proved tricky for some, one of whom admitted: "There is a pattern that looks like a white screw that sent me for a while." A second wrote: "It became easy but only when I zoomed in. What a ridiculous countertop design. You'd lose everything you place atop it.".

The solution can be found below. In need of a helping hand? One Reddit user pointed out: "So I’ve been clinging to this theory since the summertime when I became interested in this sub and it’s helped me almost every time. Most of the time it’s always going to be in the top right of the picture. Now that you’ve read this comment I want y’all to keep that in mind!".


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