Only those with the highest IQ can solve this word play riddle

Only those with the highest IQ can solve this word play riddle
Author: (Liam Gilliver)
Published: Dec, 21 2024 01:00

Find out if you're as clever as you think with this fiendish brainteaser. If you consider yourself the brains of the family, and reckon you could beat Einstein himself in a round on The Chase - then this deceptively difficult riddle is one for you. In fact, only those with the highest IQ will be able to solve it while racing against the clock.

Of course, brainteasers are a great way of keeping the little ones occupied now that they're off school for the Christmas holidays, and can provide a light form of distraction on your morning commute. But, research has shown taking on these mini challenges can actually have a positive impact on the central nervous system, resulting in improved cognitive functions such as better attention span and concentration levels.

So, if you're confident that you're Mensa-membership worthy, or just want to give your mind a little exercise, you need to attempt Jonathan Walters' latest roundup of tricky riddles. Known as Mr Baldman Trivia on TikTok, Jon's puzzles are all designed to put your intellect to the ultimate test. Ready? Let's go...

"Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble," the riddle reads. "What are they?" We're not giving any clues for this one, and you need to solve the riddle in just 10 seconds to prove you're a genius. Admitting defeat already, or think you might have finally cracked it? Watch the video below or scroll down to the bottom of the article to find the answer. No cheating!.
