Pokémon TCG Pocket trading: how does it work and how to get Trade Tokens
Pokémon TCG Pocket trading: how does it work and how to get Trade Tokens
THREE months after the game’s launch, Pokémon TCG Pocket has finally added a trading feature. Trading dropped with the latest update to the app, so if you still don’t have it activated on the Social Hub tab, head over to your phone’s app store and manually update.
The much-requested feature lets players exchange cards with their TCG Pocket friends, helping them get rid of duplicates and grab cards they haven’t collected yet. The Pokémon Company has promised that trading is coming in a future update ever since the game released.
The Trade option is displayed in the app’s Social Hub, next to Friends and Community Showcases but it was greyed out until today. Pokémon TCG Pocket trading comes with some restrictions, and there are a few rules you should know before you start exchanging your precious cards with other players.
Here’s everything there is to know about trading in TCG Pocket. Here are the basic steps to initiate a trade in Pokémon TCG Pocket:. You won’t be able to start another trade until the first one is resolved, expires, or you terminate it before your friend responds.
Only like-for-like cards can be traded, which means cards from the same rarity, and if you trade a card with flair, your friend must also send a card with flair. Each successful trade consumes Trade Stamina, one unit per trade, regardless of card rarity.