Russian troops came to save us from death camp… then women vanished & another nightmare began, says Holocaust survivor
A HOLOCAUST survivor has told how Russian soldiers liberating her Nazi camp picked off Jewish women one by one and raped them. Agnes Kaposi, 92, was 11 when she was crammed into a pitch-black cattle cart bound for Auschwitz with 86 other terrified Jews before the padlocked door slid shut behind them.
Over five days and nights confined in this tiny cabin, a horrified Agnes watched those around her die or become so deranged from dehydration they tore their hair out. A small slit of window let enough light in to witness the horrors unfolding around her - the glint of the oil barrel they'd been forced to use as a toilet in the corner.
The little girl and her family didn't know their train from Hungary was taking them to Auschwitz to meet their death - or that by some stroke of luck they had been diverted away to Strasshof labour camp. It was here that Agnes was forced to work as a slave labourer from before the sun came up and way past sundown with rations consisting of a small piece of bread.
After a year - and after hundreds had died from starvation - Agnes and her family finally began to feel a glimmer of hope when the Nazis fled and the Soviet Union's army arrived to liberate their camp. Or so they thought. Speaking from her home in north London, Agnes told The Sun: "The Russians did absolutely nothing, they gave us nothing.