Simon Roberts, Sainsbury’s Chief Executive, said: "We launched our Next Level Strategy almost a year ago and are totally focused on making good food joyful, accessible and affordable for everyone, every day.
As we accelerate into year two and beyond of our strategy, we are facing into a particularly challenging cost environment which means we have had to make tough choices about where we can afford to invest and where we need to do things differently to make our business more efficient and effective.
"The decisions we are announcing today are essential to ensure we continue to drive forward our momentum but have also meant some difficult choices impacting our dedicated colleagues in a number of parts of our business.
Sainsbury's to axe much-loved section in all stores amid massive changes Sainsbury's has announced that its last remaining in-store cafes are set to be axed.
Sainsbury's revealed that shoppers had not used its cafes regularly enough too, though food halls and concessions have spiked in popularity.