REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque] Launching the task force she said she will declassify documents about the president’s assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963, as well as some about sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination, the 9/11 Twin Towers terror attack, and what the government knows about UFOs.
A task force has been launched which could reveal some of the US government’s deepest secrets – including the belief there were two shooters at John F Kennedy’s assassination.
President Donald Trump ordered the full release of the government’s JFK files shortly after taking office to begin his second term.
The government task force is set to hold its first hearing in March – and witnesses could include people who were in the operation room where the former president died.
Ms Luna said she will be working directly with the White House during her investigation, and that she has already sent letters to the Attorney General and the Department of Justice to reveal more information about the Epstein files.