Social landlords forced to fix dangerous mould from October under Awaab's Law - as charity criticises 'delay' A law to force social landlords to investigate and fix hazards within a set timescale will be phased in from October, the government has announced.
But Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: "Four years after Awaab's death, and nearly two years after the Social Housing Regulation Act received Royal Assent, today's announcement means social housing tenants will have to wait years longer for this vital protection.
Ms Rayner said that from October 2025, social landlords will also have to address all emergency repairs, whether they relate to damp and mould or any other hazard, as soon as possible and within no longer than 24 hours.
It means social landlords will be required to address damp and mould hazards that present a significant risk of harm to tenants within fixed timescales.
Ms Rayner said that the phased approach "in no way means that social landlords have any leeway" when it comes to meeting their existing duties to keep tenants safe, amid criticism from housing campaigners.