Surprising chocolate treat that naturally lowers your cholesterol levels

Surprising chocolate treat that naturally lowers your cholesterol levels
Author: (Paul Speed, Rom Preston-Ellis)
Published: Jan, 15 2025 15:17

Cholesterol isn't always the villain it's made out to be, with experts highlighting the necessity of 'good cholesterol' for optimal health. The British Heart Foundation warns that while we need this beneficial type, its evil twin – 'bad cholesterol' – must be kept under control to prevent artery-clogging plaque that heightens the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol travels through our blood attached to proteins called lipoproteins and is both produced by the liver and ingested from foods rich in saturated fats like certain meats, full-fat dairy products, and even palm and coconut oils. But fear not, as nutrition gurus at Prepped Pots powered by MuscleFood have dished out seven superfoods that slot right into any meal plan to help manage cholesterol levels. Ashleigh Tosh, a nutrition expert, assures: "Our cholesterol is really important to overall heart health and wellbeing and we should take good care of it.

"The good news is there are foods out there that can lower high cholesterol levels and provide us with good cholesterol which is important in keeping our arteries clean. Things like berries, nuts and dark chocolate are all things we should be incorporating into our diet.

"It's important to remember that good cholesterol health comes from other elements, too. A healthy diet, regular exercise and limits on alcohol and smoking are all crucial to good heart health.". Berries. Adding berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries into your diet is an easy and tasty way to lower your cholesterol. They are packed with antioxidants and fibre that improve your overall heart health. Enjoy them on their own or add them to shakes and breakfasts.


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