The biggest moment of 2025 for each star sign — your tarot horoscope
As the New Year begins, a world of possibilities open up, prompting us to think about how we want 2025 to play out. January feels like a big moment of change, but don’t forget, there are 12 whole months in which your life could turn around — it’s not over until the fireworks start popping next December, right?.
While it’s important to take control in shaping your own destiny, some things are simply written in the stars. So if you’re wondering what to look out for, let the tarot enlighten you to the most significant time of the year for your star sign. March 21 to April 20.
Tarot card for Aries for 2025: The Wheel of Fortune. Meaning: This powerful card representing total change and transformation (so that is the energy it sweeps into your realm) is linked to the four Fixed star signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. What that means is that February, May, August, and November are all set to be major life-changing periods in 2025.
Don’t fear change, embrace it. If there are big things you’re wanting to stop, start, or alter next year then try and match them to these months for a boost of accelerant and positivity!. Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries.
April 21 to May 21. Tarot card for Taurus for 2025: Justice. Meaning: Justice reveals that late September up to mid October will be your life-changing phase in 2025. What will it bring to you? Total vindication. Justice is a powerful leveller, a righting of wrongs, proof that you were right and in the right.