Mandatory Credit: Photo by New Line/The Elm Street Venture/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock (5882371b) Johnny Depp A Nightmare On Elm Street - 1984 Director: Wes Craven New Line/The Elm Street Venture USA Scene Still Horror Les Griffes de la nuit] Krueger’s character became iconic.
Nightmare on Elm Street spawned a franchise of nine further films, a television series, novels, comics, video games and launched the career of Johnny Depp, whose character Glen Lantz suffered a horrific death when his sleeping body is sucked through his bed into a magic slaughter vortex.
The chilling real life story that inspired Nightmare on Elm Street Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.
It’s a creepy warning taken from A Nightmare on Elm Street, the supernatural slasher film which turned forty this year.
Some viewers reportedly experienced PTSD symptoms after seeing the movie, which darkly inspired 24-year-old murderer Daniel Gonzalez who, in 2004, killed four in frenzied attacks in London and Brighton.