The house(s) The Independent built: Two safe havens for domestic abuse survivors become reality
The Independent’s Brick by Brick campaign in partnership with domestic abuse charity Refuge prompted a national conversation and smashed its original £300,000 fund-raising target in weeks. The roof is being added to the first property and work is underway on the second after the initial £300,000 fundraising target was smashed within weeks.
Generous donations have poured in from readers, celebrities, businesses and campaigners, bringing the current total to 576,984 . Both houses - which are being installed with safety alarm and fireproof letter boxes - should be completed by spring. Dame Joanna said: “I am thrilled to hear of these two houses nearing completion, spreading their wings of security and comfort and refuge for the beloveds who so desperately need them.”.
A spokesperson for the Queen added: “I know Her Majesty will be delighted to hear that, thanks to the generosity of so many, not one but two new refuges are to be built. “As Her Majesty’s recent documentary on the issue made clear, the cause is so vital and one she is determined to keep highlighting in the hope of building a better future for all survivors of abuse - brick by brick.”.
Oscar-winning star Olivia Colman applauded the success of the campaign as she called for an end to violence against women and children. “Thank you to everyone for reading, using your voice and donating. You have not only helped to save the lives of women and children, you have come together to tell abusers that we won’t sit by and ignore their abuse.”.