The police swarm Coronation Street - but unexpected scenes follow

The police swarm Coronation Street - but unexpected scenes follow
The police swarm Coronation Street - but unexpected scenes follow
Author: Sue Haasler
Published: Feb, 19 2025 20:55

Summary at a Glance

Carla was understandably furious with Bobby when Ryan told her that he’d been planning to help Rob, who was still on the run.

Lisa herself had been questioned by her boss over the voice recording where she could be heard agreeing to help Rob get his sentence overturned if he gave Carla his kidney, but she said it had been made under duress.

Killer Rob Donovan (Marc Baylis) was still on the loose in Coronation Street on Wednesday February 19’s episode – but there was one person who had an idea where he was.

Later, Ryan watched as the police, acting on an anonymous tip-off – presumably from Ryan himself – swarmed the street in search of Rob Donovan.

Carla later told Lisa she felt guilty for pushing Rob and Lisa urged her to stick to the story that he fell.


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