The savvy couple - who have three children aged seven, five and six months- even stock their fridge and pantry with bread, pasta, chocolate and crisps they find in supermarket bins and spend a minute £50-a-week topping up with a food shop.
The couple - who met in 2021 when Ruth was Amir's postwoman- started dumpster diving in April 2022 to keep up with the rising cost-of-living.
Meet the dumpster-diving couple who have furnished their entire home for FREE using items people have thrown away and save £9k-a-year on food eating out of bins.
Starting out with taking items from designated bins, they found a plethora of furniture - including rugs, lamps, clocks and even a TV stand which they refurbished themselves.
They have even been able to deck out their entire cottage in Dunelm furniture they discovered in the store's bin - including a light fitting worth £135, a coffee table worth £170 and rugs worth up to £60.