We also need to think about how we manage water in our gardens, whether that is by creating a swale garden with bog-friendly planting that will act as a storm drain, or by putting in rainwater butts to see us through a drought.
Instead, we need to think about growing as diverse a range of plants as possible, in the hope that at least some of them will do well in all the variety of weather conditions that might come our way.
From embracing weeds to grow-your-own veg, CIAR BYRNE says it was a year of quiet revolution This year has not been the easiest in the garden.
Next year I am going to grow seedlings under cover until they are large enough to withstand the onslaught of molluscs, as well as plant more slug and snail-resistant cultivars.
Garden centres now sell plenty of alternatives including compost made from bark, coir, wood fibre and even sheep's wool.