What’s new in Mario Kart 9 for Nintendo Switch 2?
The first game to be unveiled for the Nintendo Switch 2 is what appears to be Mario Kart 9 but what secrets is the reveal trailer hiding?. Although the Nintendo Switch 2 has now been officially announced there was no voiceover or description for anything in the reveal trailer, so we don’t even know if the new game it showed is called Mario Kart 9.
It is very clearly a new game though, with very different and more detailed character models and background graphics. Nintendo no doubt chose the clip to give away as little as possible, but there’s still quite a bit you can infer from the brief few seconds of footage.
Many fans are already speculating that online races will allow for 16 or more human competitors (the track shows spaces for 24) but that’s impossible to tell from the clip, and it’s arguable as to whether it’s even trying to hint at that. But there are some other clues about the game that seem a little more blatant.
What does seem to be an obvious hint, is the implication of a larger racetrack, perhaps even an open world environment. There are ordinary, non-kart vehicles on the road and while a few older games have had courses like that they don’t seem like obstacles here, but more part of the scenery.
Likewise, there’s a very detailed roadside diner that seems significant, while the clip ends up pointing to the horizon, where the road seems to go on forever, rather than looping back onto a traditional track. It’s also criss-crossed by other dirt roads, although the race never gets that far, so you can’t tell whether they’re useable. But there’s certainly nothing in what’s shown that looks like a traditional three lap racetrack.