Whole village in threat to boycott pub over landlords' Christmas eviction Hundreds of locals have rallied around the owners of a beloved pub who could be out of the community boozer this week after their short tenure abruptly ended.
Dismayed villagers say Darren and Susie had “turned around” the pub in the five months since they sold their house to move to Anglesey.
Darren and Susie Harris-Hughes left their life behind in Liverpool to transform the Stag Inn in July, which has since been dubbed the "heart" of the village of Cemaes, Wales.
Suzie said they devoted all of their time to the pub and were shocked when they received a week's notice with Marston’s Brewery to quit the boozer.
According to the couple, grievances centred on the pub’s monthly stock takes, which revealed apparent discrepancies that left them mystified.