Why so many women like me are having surgery in a VERY private area - and why I'll NEVER tell my partner While having a coffee recently with a group of close friends, we started discussing cosmetic surgery - a topic of conversation that is increasingly common now that we're in our forties.
Labiaplasty — surgery to reduce the inner or outer folds of the female vulva — is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries.
Labiaplasty, surgery to reduce the inner or outer folds of the female vulva, is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries.
My surgeon, a gynaecologist of 30 years' experience, tells me: 'I've performed labia reduction surgery on hundreds of women, but no one talks about it.
You might wonder why, considering that while cosmetic ops used to be taboo, today it seems that anyone who's anyone has had a spot of filler in their forehead, or contoured their thighs with liposuction.