Now for the sowing... Plant your seeds in the mix, following the depth recommended on their package labels, and snap on container lids or, if using jugs, use duct tape to affix the top and bottom sections back together.
When seedlings are about 2 inches high and freezing temperatures no longer threaten, remove container lids (or detach the top halves of jugs) during the day to acclimate them to the weather.
The only materials and equipment you’ll need for winter sowing are suitable containers, potting mix and seeds.
Heat lovers, like my tomatoes and zinnias, are best started indoors (or outdoors after the danger of frost has passed) because their sprouts are too tender to withstand low temperatures.
If using plastic jugs, poke holes in the bottom for drainage, then cut them roughly in half horizontally, but not all the way through (allow a section to remain connected to serve as a hinge).