She explained: "To encourage blooms on your peace lily, meet its lighting and feeding conditions, and when ambient temperatures start to rise in the spring, you should start to see blooms.".
She also emphasised the importance of feeding houseplants, suggesting steeped banana skins as an excellent homemade fertiliser, although any balanced fertiliser will also work.
Plant expert Hannah Rowson from J. Parker's says that two conditions must be met for peace lily care - lighting and feeding.
She pointed out a tell-tale sign for watering: "Peace lilies will start to droop or wilt when they need water, so this is a good indication that you need to flood the soil with water until it drains out of the bottom.
She also stressed the importance of lighting, advising to place them in bright, indirect light to avoid any potential scorch damage which can occur if they're left basking in direct sunlight during those scorching summer months.