You be the judge: should my friend stop being so vengeful?
When slighted, Phoebe seeks revenge – a belief Priya thinks ridiculous. You decide who should learn to turn the other cheek. Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a juror. She seriously considered planting Japanese knotweed in her former housemates’ garden.
My best friend Phoebe is obsessed with revenge and it has driven a wedge between us. Recently, on the way to the airport for a holiday in Greece together, we had a horrible taxi driver. He was rude and didn’t help us with our bags when getting into the car. He was on the phone for half the ride and ignored us when we asked him to change the radio station. After we got out, Phoebe said she had secretly slipped half a punnet of blueberries into the door compartment to “get her own back”.
When I asked her what the point of that was, she said it made her feel better and that he deserved it. Perhaps he did, but I don’t get why she would actually do that. If we all went around doing what we felt like, the world would be chaos. Phoebe says I don’t understand her because she’s a Scorpio.
Phoebe always thinks revenge is the best answer. When we were teenagers she hacked into her ex’s MSN account and deleted it when she found out that he’d cheated on her. Another time, when we were about 14, she egged someone’s house after they were racist to her mum. She waits, and then she strikes. I’m not saying her actions weren’t justified, but I believe that walking away with your head held high is always the better option.