Capricorn season begins December 21, right before Christmas, and with it, we enter into a phase of practicality, grounding energies, nesting, and looking ahead to make robust plans that shore up our security, career pathway, and wealth. Capricorn is an ambitious character and puts in the effort to get where they want to go. At the same time as keeping all home fires burning brightly.
![[aries star sign]](
Use this energy to start thinking about your big goal, in terms of work and money, in 2025. Where are you heading? How can you articulate that as an inspiring goal?. Let the tarot guide you towards your wealth or career ambition for the year ahead. March 21 to April 20.
![[taurus star sign]](
Tarot card for Aries for Capricorn season: King of Cups. Meaning: Your 2025 career aspiration is to do work that you genuinely love, to have a role that you jump out of bed looking forward to doing each day. Emotional satisfaction is a big part of your work ethic, you need to feel fulfilled and passionate about your job and your position. You want to feel rewarded, not just in money or recognition.
The King of Cups will help you craft this balance in 2025, if it means moving on or retraining or starting anew, then you will. It matters. Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries. April 21 to May 21. Tarot card for Taurus for Capricorn season: Two of Swords.
![[cancer star sign]](
Meaning: You have a big decision to make about your career in 2025, and the months of February and June are key times to execute your choice and reap the rewards. Perhaps it’s between two different options or pathways, perhaps it’s related to training and advancement, maybe about stepping up or staying put, maybe about location, or even about stepping back and reducing hours or pressure due to other life choices.
![[leo star sign]](