A dad who woke up from a coma with an amazing new talent for art has drawn pictures of what he saw "on the other side". Moe Hunter, 39, came out of a month-long coma with creative abilities he never had before. Despite being "rubbish at art at school." Moe discovered he had a knack for drawing, painting and model building. He went from working at Burger King to using his new skills as a professional carpenter and model maker. People are always curious about what he saw while in his coma. Although doctors say the comatose brain doesn't show signs of normal sleep-cycle which allows for dreaming, many people who recover from comas report having visions. Moe was no exception and has shared insights into the strange visions he had. He's documented his experience in a book and released artwork depicting the 'places he went to' in his coma.
Moe, from Hereford, said: "I've had so many people who read my story last year wanting to know more about what I saw in the coma. Everything I saw, felt, and heard is burnt into my mind and I can remember it like it was yesterday. "I told my neurologist when I woke up from the coma and he stared at for around three minutes. He then said 'hmm that's interesting, because it's highly unlikely to dream in a coma Moe.' I told him that's what I had seen and he said it might have been the brain trying to overcome the severe trauma from the Tuberculosis and meningitis.
"I decided to write a book about my experience and the things I saw and I've now recently painted them after being encouraged by my wife and family. I was too afraid to at first as I still get nightmares about some of them but it's not very often you get an insight into what it's like being in a coma.".