Poinsettias are a popular Christmas houseplant, adding vibrant colour and festive cheer to any garden or home. Experts at The Joy of Plants have shared some helpful tips to keep them thriving through the winter and beyond. Some of the advice includes how often individuals should be watering the plants and the ideal temperature to keep them alive.
Poinsettias, also known as euphorbia pulcherrima, are part of the euphorbiaceae family with many people seeing the plant sold around Christmas time. The plant is a shrub-like tree and is not dangerous to keep with pets or children around. The soil of Poinsettias should always be slightly damp. This means watering every few days, but frequency varies depending on the specific conditions.
Poinsettias are like a light spot without bright and direct sunshine. The plant cannot cope with draughts or very warm locations, such as above the radiator or next to a log fire. More humid locations, as well as regular plant food, allow Poinsettias to thrive, reports the Express.
To ensure the plant survives the next festive season, prune, repot, and water regularly. Fertiliser can be used every two weeks to encourage growth, and placing the plant in a dark location for 12 hours a night for 10 weeks will encourage reblooming. Keep Poinsettias away from any potential cold drafts.
Poinsettia leaves can frequently turn yellow and fall off. To remedy this, the plant should be placed in a cooler and lighter spot with increased humidity. This should rejuvenate it. Pest problems like mealybugs can be tackled with insecticidal soap to treat the infestation.