Coming up with a matching theme for your kids' names can be cute, but can also be restricting after a while. Choosing a baby name isn't always easy, and when you end up having more than one child, it can get increasingly more difficult to come up with names that you like. To tackle this, some parents come up with a theme to link all their kids' names together, such as naming them all with the same starting letter or giving them all nature-based monikers.
Themes can give you inspiration for your next tot's name, but they can also be restricting, especially if you run out of names you like in your chosen category. This is the issue one woman's sister seems to be facing, as she's given her fourth child a "terrible" name after having three daughters with names that are all months of the year. In a post on Reddit, the mum's sister said her sibling already has three girls named April, May, and June. She recently gave birth to her first son, however, and wanted to continue the trend of naming her children after months. However, instead of opting for a month that's well-known as a boy's name like August, she chose something a little more out there.
The aunt explained: "My sister is obsessed with naming her children after months. She's a big believer in 'connecting to time' or something. She has three daughters, and their names are April, May, and June. But she just had her first boy. "I said maybe she should go with August if she wanted to stick to the month theme, but NOPE. FEBRUARY. God save this kid.". The mum's decision to name her son February sparked a debate in the comments of the Reddit post, with many agreeing that she should have gone with August instead. Others claimed that even if February was a name it would feel "so feminine" to them so was still a bad choice for a boy.
And some even said that February was one of the worst months she could have chosen because it's notoriously difficult for people to spell correctly. One person wrote: "I actually knew a February once! It was a girl, though, and as far as I know, she didn't have any sisters with month names." Another added: "That little boy is going to have to fight his whole life.". A third also posted: "When I see kids named after the month they were born in, I just think the parents didn't really put much thought into names. 'Oh, I'm pregnant. Oh well I will just name them whatever month they're born in'.".