Be reminded of warmer, brighter days ahead and get your brain and vision working at the same time by trying to solve a puzzle featuring spring flowers in a florist. Many people will have been trying to stick to New Year’s resolutions of a healthier diet and more exercise following the excesses of the festive period. Another way you can improve your mental well being is by giving your brain a good workout.
One of the best ways to do this is by tackling puzzles and brainteasers that force us to concentrate and focus and can help to improve memory. With the cold, dark weather of winter, motivation for self-improvements can start to wane. The UK’s official first day of spring is just weeks away though on March 20. So give yourself a reminder of the brighter, warmer days ahead and get your mind moving with this tricky brainteaser. It features the cheery sight of lots of plants and yellow flowers sitting on shelves in a florist.
It’s your job to try and spot the pot of blossoming daffodils - a sure sign that spring has sprung. It’s made more difficult because all the blooms are the same colour, so your brain and eyes have to work extra hard to hunt them down. We’re including the answer below so don’t scroll down if you can’t see them in the picture above yet.
According to its creators at SpinGenie, it took half of individuals who attempted it more than 10 seconds to spot the hidden daffodils and a further 20% of people more than 20 seconds! See if you have eagle-eyed vision by finding them in the quickest time possible. Don’t worry if it takes you longer, the whole process is still helping your brain and sight to focus and you’ll get a satisfying hit of dopamine when you do find them!.