‘Why was Ruby sneaking around in the middle of the night like a teenager trying not to get caught by her parents? Were they really doing candlelit massages in my bedroom?’ Shari Franke’s memoir reads. On Tuesday (January 7) the 21-year-old’s memoir The House of My Mother: A Daughter’s Quest for Freedom was released. In the book, she wrote about her “8 Passengers” family vlogger mother and how she was “sneaking around” with Hildebrant.
Back in February Ruby and Hildebrant were sentenced to up to 30 years in prison after pleading guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse, including trying to convince Ruby’s two youngest children that they were evil, possessed by demons, and needed to be punished. Ruby’s four minor children were taken into the custody of the Department of Children and Family Services.
In her memoir, Franke revealed that at one point, her room had been given to Hildebrant, and she was forced to sleep on the living room couch. She wrote that the two of them were the only people allowed upstairs and in her old bedroom as they even cut off Ruby’s now ex-husband Kevin Franke.
When Hildebrandt began experiencing “demonic night terrors” Ruby decided she would sleep in the room with her business partner, explaining that Franke’s bedroom was their “sanctuary.”. At one point, she snuck back into her bedroom noticing that it was filled with candles and massage oils. “The room was bathed in the soft glow of candles,” she wrote in her memoir. “The air was heavy with the scent of lavender and vanilla wafting form the massage oils on the dresser.”.