AI could end infertility heartache for thousands of couples by boosting IVF success
AI could end the infertility heartache for thousands of childless couples by boosting IVF success rates, breakthrough research suggests. Artificial Intelligence has been shown to help doctors identify follicles that are most likely to lead to the birth of a baby during in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. One in six couples experience infertility and 50,000 undergo fertility treatment every year but they increasingly have to raid family savings or go into debt to pay for multiple attempts. Many have to delay IVF until it’s too late or stop trying due to cost.
Senior author Dr Ali Abbara, consultant in reproductive endocrinology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “AI can offer a new paradigm in how we deliver IVF treatment and could lead to better outcomes for patients. IVF provides help and hope for many patients who are unable to conceive but it’s an invasive, expensive, and time-consuming treatment. It can be heartbreaking when it fails, so it’s important to ensure that this treatment is as effective as possible.”.
The latest report by the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) showed pregnancy success rates were 31% per fresh embryo transferred but the regulator warned women are leaving it later to try IVF - when it is much less likely to work - because of the cost. There has been a decade of increasing rationing of access to IVF on the NHS despite it long being approved by regulators. There is a postcode lottery with availability, and number of cycles offered, depending on the local NHS commissioning group. The average cost of an IVF cycle privately can range from £3,780 to £7,545 depending on the clinic and the treatment package.