Best credit cards and loans if you’re looking to shift your debt this year
MANY of us will have vowed to get on top of our finances when we made our New Year’s resolutions two days ago. If you have drifted into the red or are struggling to keep up with credit card payments, then getting on top of your finances could be a good place to start.
Here we explain how to find the best credit cards, loans and balance transfer cards to help you shift your debt this year. Plus, we reveal whether you would be better off with a loan and how to apply for one. If you spent too much over the festive period, then there are several types of credit card that could help you get back on track.
If you have multiple credit cards and want to move all of your debt onto a single one then a balance transfer is a good option. These cards usually have a low interest rate for a set period, which can help you pay off your balance faster. Or if you need to spread the cost of a big item then a purchase card can help.
Purchase cards usually have an interest-free period, which can make them a cheaper way to borrow. Meanwhile, if you have a low credit score then a credit builder card could help you to show lenders that you are reliable. This can mean you get offered better credit cards in the future.
Which cards you can apply for will depend on how much you can afford, why you want one and your credit score. Always think about what you want to use a credit card for before you apply to make sure you get the best deal. Every application will leave a permanent mark on your credit report so think carefully about whether a card is right for you before you apply.