Debt fuelled|: Royal Mail ownership is being transferred to Daniel Kretinsky’s EP group with the help of £3bn of high-cost loans from overseas banks, adding to an existing debt burden of £2bn.
Royal Mail ownership is being transferred to Kretinsky’s EP Group with the help of £3billion of high-cost loans from overseas banks, adding to an existing debt burden of £2billion.
The high cost of servicing that debt and paying dividends starved Thames of investment and put in place a labyrinthine financial superstructure, which is tricky to disentangle.
Keir Starmer’s government is repeating the same colossal error as a previous Labour regime, which stood by as the nation’s biggest water supplier fell victim to financial ghouls.
Silver prices have shot up 14 per cent this year, after a 21 per cent rise in 2024, and are close to a decade-long high at $33-per-ounce.