Big energy firm with 7million customers to offer half price electricity tonight

Big energy firm with 7million customers to offer half price electricity tonight
Author: James Flanders
Published: Dec, 17 2024 10:51

A BIG energy firm with seven million customers is offering thousands half price electricity this evening. British Gas customers can get the discounted energy between 9pm and 11pm tonight. The offer is available to new and existing British Gas customers on any tariff, but you will need a smart meter.

 [We've explained how to sign up for the offer]
Image Credit: The Sun [We've explained how to sign up for the offer]

It's part of the suppliers popular Peak Save scheme which usually rewards customers for shifting their usage to off-peak times. However, tonight's offer is known as a Green Flex event, which rewards customers who opt in, with half price electricity when there's surplus renewable energy available in the grid.

British Gas said it has emailed customers eligible to take part, and you will need to click a link and opt in to do so. After each event, the supplier will credit half of what you spent back to your account and the payment will show up as 'PeakSave Green Flex Credit' on your next bill or online statement.

This credit will normally appear within two weeks of each event ending. As is always the case with these schemes, there is no obligation to change your normal routine. However, the more you can shift regular activities such as washing, cleaning or cooking, the more you could save more off energy bills.

You can find out more about the scheme by visiting Households can also continue to get half-price electricity on Sundays up until Christmas through British Gas' PeakSave Sundays scheme. Plus, British Gas is offering the discounted energy on Christmas Day and Boxing Day between 11am and 4pm.


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