British Gas hands £2,000 energy help to families who meet certain criteria

British Gas hands £2,000 energy help to families who meet certain criteria
Author: (Victoria Chessum, Liam Gilliver)
Published: Dec, 19 2024 06:00

People who find themselves struggling to pay their energy bills this winter may be unaware of a crucial lifeline. Millions of pensioners will no longer be eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment, while households across the UK could be stung by Ofgem's increased price cap that comes into force next month (January 1, 2025).

If you're struggling to stay afloat during the colder months, the British Gas Energy Trust has the power to write off your energy debt by dishing out grants worth up to £2,000. "This makes a significant difference to the lives of thousands of people each year, helping them get back on their feet and remain debt free going forward," said British Gas Energy Trust.

The British Gas Energy Support fund is only available to British Gas customers. However, its Individual and Families Fund is available to both British Gas and non-British Gas customers, although several suppliers (including OVO, Boost, Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, Octopus, and Shell energy) have their own support fund which is restricted to their customers only.

The British Gas Energy Trust has reopened its Energy Support Fund, allowing British Gas customers to apply for grants up to £2,000 to help with energy debt. The Energy Support Fund is available to British Gas customers with credit and pre-payment meter accounts who meet the following criteria:.

Want the latest money-saving news and top deals sent straight to your inbox? Sign up to our Money Newsletter. This fund is open to British Gas and non-British Gas customers, and offers grants up to £1,500. However, if your energy supplier has its own support fund, you won't be able to apply. You must also meet the following criteria:.


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