The charity is described as a 'specialist women's organisation' providing 'independent, specialist and dedicated support services to Black, Minority, Ethnic (BME) women and children, experiencing abuse across London'.
Camilla is committed to raising awareness of domestic and sexual violence, and previously pledged to break the 'taboo' around the topic in a 90-minute documentary.
The Queen, 77, spent time with the Asian Women's Resource Centre on Thursday as it marked 45 years of helping victims of domestic violence, forced marriage and honour-based violence.
The Queen, 77, spent time with the Asian Women's Resource Centre on Thursday as it marked 45 years of helping victims of domestic violence , forced marriage and honour-based violence.
Camilla said in the documentary: 'One of the most difficult things about domestic abuse, to understand, it's not the bruises and the black eyes, which, unfortunately you see, through violence, this is something that creeps up very slowly and, far too often, it ends up with women being killed.