In 2023, wind power contributed 29.4 per cent of the UK’s total electricity generation, solar 4.9 per cent, hydropower 1.8 per cent and biomass energy (which is still counted as renewable even though it involves the burning of organic materials) contributed five per cent.
Renewable energy expert Andy Sage from E.ON Next wants to help clear the air when it comes to renewable energy sources and has some sound advice on what needs to be done to make it work best for you.
Ofgem gives energy providers one REGO certificate for every megawatt hour of renewable energy they generate, which allows suppliers to prove the mix of fuels used to generate the electricity supplied.
A greater understanding of how we use energy is key, but so is a true understanding of what renewable energy really is.
“I think it’s about getting people to understand that this is what ‘green energy’ really means – it’s about seeing and understanding the journey from what we do right now to the future, and understanding that it’s a behaviour change that we will get used to.