According to a new poll which surveyed 1000 parents, 29% said their children need more time in nature, 25% said more fruit and veg is needed, 27% said more focus is needed on chores and 18% said one-to-one attention was key.
Working alongside GoGo squeeZ to help bring the report to life, mum of three, Billie Shepherd, said: “As a parent, it’s always a challenge to juggle everything—work, family time, and making sure my kids are eating enough fruit and veg.
CHILDREN aren’t getting enough play time outdoors, quality family time, and healthy snacks, according to their parents.
The study, carried out by kids’ fruit smoothie brand, GoGo squeeZ, also found that despite the lack of these things, 59% say quality time is a key ingredient for a fulfilled child.
It further emerged 22% of parents would like to reduce their child’s intake of unhealthy snacks and drinks, while 36 per cent want to see their child eat more fruit and vegetables.