Coleen Nolan opens up on ‘taboo’ health battle she’s been struggling with for three decades – and affects one in 5 Brits
COLEEN Nolan is on a mission to banish the taboo that lingers around a common health issue. The straight-talking TV presenter has lifted the lid on her own experience with bladder leakage to help other sufferers. Coleen, who has been on the panel of Loose Women on and off since 2000, said: "We have talked about it among ourselves.".
"We'll say, 'Oh my God, I wet myself at that yesterday' or 'I nearly wet myself today laughing at that topic'. "After the show when we are back in our dressing rooms, we talk about it, doing our debrief. I love the fact that you don't have to feel alone with it," she added.
Coleen became a mum when she was 23, and it was then that her bladder weakness started. Over the years it has worsened and she found that she would sometimes wet herself when she sneezed, coughed or laughed. "My bladder issues were from having my first child really," she adds.
"When you are younger, and they are going on at you about doing your pelvic floor exercises, you say 'yeah, whatever'. I'd do them, but not regularly, and then three children later you think 'Maybe I should have done them when I was told'.". Coleen is now an ambassador for Always Discreet, who create products for those with sensitive bladders.
The brand discovered that 94 per cent of women admitted to not doing pelvic floor exercises as regularly as they should. The mum-of-three said she's been making sure to squeeze pelvic floor exercises into her daily routine. She explained: "You don't have to give up any time of your day to do them. I can do them while I'm mucking the horses out, feeding the animals, or making a cup of tea. And no one knows you are doing them. It's just getting into the habit.".