Coleen Nolan reveals the 'taboo' health issue she has been dealing with for decades
Coleen Nolan isn't one to shy away from taboo topics and now the Loose Women panellist is talking about another issue not often talked about - bladder leakage. The television presenter said she often talks about it with her fellow hosts but it's not usually things like bladder control are discussed on-air.
"We have talked about it among ourselves," says Coleen, 59. "We'll say, 'Oh my God, I wet myself at that yesterday' or 'I nearly wet myself today laughing at that topic' After the show when we are back in our dressing rooms, we talk about it, doing our debrief. I love the fact that you don't have to feel alone with it.".
Since she had her first child at the age of 23, Colleen has experienced leakage which has become worse over the years, particularly after sneezing, laughing, or coughing. "My bladder issues were from having my first child really," she adds. "When you are younger, and they are going on at you about doing your pelvic floor exercises, you say 'yeah, whatever'. I'd do them, but not regularly, and then three children later you think 'Maybe I should have done them when I was told'.".
She is now an ambassador for Always Discreet, who make products for people with sensitive bladders, and says she has come to understand how widespread it is. The Loose Women star said leakages are more common than people think and do not just affect older people.
"One in three women experience bladder leaks," says Coleen. "And it's 100 per cent not associated with old age. "I've met women from their early 20s to my age and above who have all experienced it at some time. Bladder leaks are very common. It's something that we need to stop being embarrassed about. They just happen.